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Welche File extension bist du?

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<a href="http://www.bbspot.com/News/2004/10/extension_quiz.php"><img

src="http://www.bbspot.com/Images/News_Features/2004/10/file_extensions/exe.jpg" width="300" height="90"

border="0" alt="You are .exe When given proper orders, you execute them flawlessly. You're familiar to most, and useful to all."><br>Which File Extension are You?</a>

Dass Chewie macht, was man ihm sagt, war klar.



You are .swf. You are flashy, but lack substance. You like playing, but often you are annoying. Grow up.



Das liegt bestimmt nur an den Fragen, wo keine der Antworten passen wollte ... :dunno:


/Randver MacBeorn.

You are .pdf No matter where you go you look the same. You are an acrobat. Nothing is more important to you than the printed word.


Tja, was soll ich sagen. :lookaround:


Gruß von Adjana


Ich bin ein MP3 das auf Debian Linux läuft. :D


You are .mp3 The kids love you. You get along with just about everybody except the music industry. You really make yourself heard.
You are Debian Linux. People have difficulty getting to know you. Once you finally open your shell they're apt to love you.



You are .dll



You are dynamic.

You are constantly in danger of bringing down the house, because you don't play well with others.



You are .jpg You are very colorful. Sometimes you forget things, or distort the truth. You like working with pictures more than words.


War irgendwie klar...


Viele Grüße



Scheint als hätten wir nicht nur den selben Vornamen, sondern hätten auch noch die selbe Extension


Hihi :)

Beim OS-Test kommt:

You are Slackware Linux

You are the brightest amon your peers, but are often mistaken as insane.

Your elegant solutions to problems often take a little longer, but require m uch less effort to complete.


Habe mir erst kürzlich zwei Slax-Versionen (KillBill und Frodo) geholt und war sehr beeindruckt. Sollte ich mir heuer einen neuen Lappi besorgen, wird da eine Slackware draufkommen.


Ist aber schön, dass hier alle so verschieden sind :)


You are .mpg

You live life like it was a movie. Constantly in motion, you bring pleasure to many, but are often hidden away.


Und das passt sogar :)



der sich durchschaut vorkommt

You are .dll



You are dynamic.

You are constantly in danger of bringing down the house, because you don't play well with others.




Du bist Kassaia?????????????????


Schön, das ich jetzt eine Doppelgängerin habe. ;)

Hi Kassaia,

ich wusste doch uns verbindet irgend etwas :turn:

Tja, zumindest etwas! :wave:

von der Schönheit deiner Augen träumend,

Sayah el Atir al Azif ibn Mullah

Träum schön! :sleep::blush:



You are .mp3 The kids love you. You get along with just about everybody except the music industry. You really make yourself heard.



Ich bin mit Hansel in einem Boot... :cool:





der Listen-Reiche

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