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Welche Mittelerde-Figur bist Du?

Ma Kai

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You got: Hobbit



You enjoy simple pleasures— good friends, food, and music— in a relatively quiet life. You don’t seek out adventure, but you don’t shy away from it, either, and you’re happy as long as your eating schedule isn’t disrupted.


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Bearbeitet von Hiram ben Tyros
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[h=2]Which Middle-Earth Character Are You?[/h]


  1. You got: Dwarf
    Bild: http://s3-ak.buzzfeed.com/static/2013-12/enhanced/webdr03/12/12/enhanced-buzz-6108-1386869615-15.jpg Warner Bros. Entertainment
    [h=2]You’re strong, brave, and loyal, with an appreciation for the finer things in life. You’ve also got an amazing head of hair. Sorry about the future of your entire people, though.[/h]
  2. You got: Human
    Bild http://s3-ak.buzzfeed.com/static/2013-12/enhanced/webdr01/12/12/enhanced-buzz-19357-1386870615-17.jpg New Line Cinema
    [h=2]So you aren’t a mythical creature, but Middle-earth human is still a lot cooler than Regular-Earth human. You’re industrious and ambitious, if a little preoccupied with power.[/h]
  3. You got: Hobbit
    Bild: http://s3-ak.buzzfeed.com/static/2013-12/enhanced/webdr03/12/14/enhanced-buzz-21967-1386875294-21.jpg Warner Bros. Entertainment
    [h=2]You enjoy simple pleasures— good friends, food, and music— in a relatively quiet life. You don’t seek out adventure, but you don’t shy away from it, either, and you’re happy as long as your eating schedule isn’t disrupted.[/h]
  4. You got: Elf
    Bild http://s3-ak.buzzfeed.com/static/2013-12/enhanced/webdr02/12/13/enhanced-buzz-30236-1386874246-15.jpg New Line Cinema
    [h=2]Congratulations, you’re beautiful and immortal! Your long life has made you perceptive and insightful, and you’ve got a seemingly endless supply of energy. All of this is great for you, and possibly confusing to those around you.[/h]
  5. You got: Ent
    Bild http://s3-ak.buzzfeed.com/static/2013-12/enhanced/webdr01/12/13/enhanced-buzz-30300-1386872613-0.jpg New Line Cinema
    [h=2]You are very chill. The absolute chillest. You’re contemplative, level-headed, and you’d rather not keep up with the fast pace of the modern world. You value your alone time, and it’s not that you’re antisocial per se, it’s just that you prefer the company of trees over people.[/h]
  6. You got: Wizard
    Bild http://s3-ak.buzzfeed.com/static/2013-12/enhanced/webdr03/12/13/enhanced-buzz-22766-1386874472-4.jpg Mark Pokorny / Warner Bros. Entertainment
    [h=2]You are a bit of a loner. An unpredictable rogue. People are simultaneously intimidated and enchanted by your wisdom, power, and party tricks, which is why you tend to get a pass for all of your meddling. And you do a lot of meddling.[/h]


Moderation Sulvahir:

Ich war mal so frei und habe die Einbindung der Bilder herausgenommen (wegen Urheberrecht)





Bei Nachfragen bitte eine PN an mich oder benutzt den Strang Diskussionen zu Moderationen

Bearbeitet von Sulvahir
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