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Test - Welcher Rollenspieltyp bist du?

Triton Schaumherz

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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

Ich finde mich übrigens i.d.R. zu 60% beim Klopper, zu 25% beim Schauspieler und zu 15% beim Powergamer wieder ... :D
Hier kann man seinen Typ ermitteln: What RPG Player Type are You?



Habe gerade mal diesen Test gemacht und hätte mich eigentlich auch so eingeschätzt :thumbs::

You scored as Storyteller.


The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.





Character Player






Weekend Warrior



Casual Gamer



Power Gamer






LG :turn:


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Mae govannen!


You scored as Character Player.

The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesn’t. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he’s played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.


Storyteller 90%

Character Player 90%

Tactician 70%

Casual Gamer 45%

Weekend Warrior 30%

Power Gamer 20%

Specialist 15%


Viele Grüße


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Hier kann man seinen Typ ermitteln: What RPG Player Type are You?
Hier folgen meine Ergebnisse:


You scored as Character Player.

The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesn’t. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he’s played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.


Character Player 95%

Storyteller 70%

Tactician 60%

Casual Gamer 50%

Power Gamer 25%

Specialist 20%

Weekend Warrior 20%

Dieses Ergebnis entsprach auch meiner Einschätzung, wobei ich den Umgang mit den Würfeln sicherlich mehr schätze als oben angegeben.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Fimolas!

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Mal den ordentlichen Strang dafür eröffnen...


What RPG Player Type are You?


Mein Ergebnis:

You scored as Character Player.


The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters' date=' feeling detached from the game if he doesn’t. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he’s played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.


Character Player 85%

Storyteller 80%

Tactician 55%

Weekend Warrior 45%

Power Gamer 35%

Specialist 10%

Casual Gamer 10%


Das mit den Regeln und den Würfeln trifft allerdings nu so gar nicht zu - wie jeder weiß, der schonmal mit mir gespielt hat. ;)

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Mein Ergebnis finde ich nicht sonderlich überraschend.


You scored as Character Player.


The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesnt. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others hes played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.


Character Player 80%

Storyteller 70%

Tactician 55%

Casual Gamer 40%

Specialist 35%

Power Gamer 30%

Weekend Warrior 20%

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Hm, ja, passt. :D


The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.


Storyteller -> 85%

Character Player-> 80%

Casual Gamer ->55%

Specialist -> 40%

Weekend Warrior -> 30%

Tactician -> 20%

Power Gamer -> 10%

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Hier meine Ergebnisse:


You scored as Storyteller.




The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.


Storyteller 90%

Character Player 75%

Tactician 65%

Weekend Warrior 35%

Power Gamer 30%

Casual Gamer 25%

Specialist 5%


Viele Grüße


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Nicht überraschend, aber jetzt ist es offiziell: Auch ich bin ein "Schauspieler", dicht gefolgt vom "Erzähler".

You scored as Character Player.


The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesn’t. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he’s played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.


Character Player 85%

Storyteller 80%

Casual Gamer 50%

Tactician 50%

Weekend Warrior 25%

Specialist 25%

Power Gamer 5%

Herzliche Grüße,


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You scored as Storyteller.

The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.

Storyteller 85%

Character Player 75%

Weekend Warrior 65%

Tactician 45%

Power Gamer 35%

Casual Gamer 30%

Specialist 15%


:grim:, der sich damit als Plüschi outed

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Schwer zu sagen, inwieweit das den Tatsachen entspricht. Bro: Hier bekommst Du auf dem Gebiet des Powergaming echte Konkurrenz.


You scored as Storyteller.

The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.


Storyteller 75%

Weekend Warrior 70%

Tactician 65%

Character Player 65%

Power Gamer 55%

Specialist 45%

Casual Gamer 25%

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Und bevor jemand fragt: Nein, ich hab den Test so ausgefüllt, wie ich es tatsächlich sehe.


Powergamer 90 %


Weekend Warrior 70 %


Casual Gamer 50 %


Tactician 35 %


Charakter Player 35 %


Specialist 25 %


Storyteller 20 %




First and foremost, the Power Gamer plays the game to further the power of his character. His character is principally a collection of super powers, principally optimized for the acquisition of still more super powers. The Power Gamer pays close attention to the rules, with a special eye to finding quirks and breakpoints he can exploit to get large benefits at comparatively low costs. To the Power Gamer, the greatest reward is success, and reaping the benefits of that success to make his character tougher, richer, and more powerful. With apologies to Robin Laws.

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@Einsi: War mir klar. :D


Hier mein Ergebnis:


Character Player 70%

Storyteller 65%

Weekend Warrior 60%

Tactician 45%

Casual Gamer 40%

Power Gamer 35%

Specialist 20%


Irgendwie ziemlich indifferent, von allem ein bisschen. So würd' ich's aber auch sehen.

Als "Specialist" hab ich aber wohl noch Nachholbedarf. Wenn ich nur wüsste, was das sein soll? :dunno:

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Ich glaube, Spezialist bist du, wenn du immer die gleiche Charakterklasse spielst.


Oder immer Figuren aus einem bestimmten (in der Regele etwas exotischen) Kulturkreis, da der halt persönlich besonders interessant ist (immer KanThai, immer Huatlani...). An der Stelle zeichnet sich der Spezialist dann dadurch aus, dass er mehr über den Abenteurertyp / den Kulturkreis weiß als Quellenbuch, Regeln und Spielleiter.



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Storyteller 85%

Character Player 85%

Casual Gamer 55%

Weekend Warrior 35%

Tactician 35%

Power Gamer 30%

Specialist 25%


Hmm, mal rechnen...85+85+55+35+35+30+25 = 350.

Heißt das jetzt, dass ich 350%iger Rollenspieler bin? Oder das ich alleine dreieinhalb normale Spieler ersetze? Oder was? :?: Mal ehrlich, sowas überfordert meinen einfachen Geist.


@ Oquhila:

Ich glaube, dass ein 'Specialist' jemand ist, dem die Ideen für andere Rollen fehlen und der deshalb immer die gleiche Figur (mit unterschiedlichen Namen) spielt. ;)




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You scored as Character Player.




The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesnt. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others hes played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.


Character Player 95%

Storyteller 75%

Tactician 45%

Casual Gamer 40%

Weekend Warrior 30%

Power Gamer 25%

Specialist 15%


Ich glaube das trifft es ganz gut.





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Und bevor jemand fragt: Nein, ich hab den Test so ausgefüllt, wie ich es tatsächlich sehe.


Powergamer 90 %


Weekend Warrior 70 %


Casual Gamer 50 %


Tactician 35 %


Charakter Player 35 %


Specialist 25 %


Storyteller 20 %





Einsi, so ganz glaub ich Dir das nicht. Als echter Pauergämer müßte dein Spezialistenscore höher sein.



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Einsi, so ganz glaub ich Dir das nicht. Als echter Pauergämer müßte dein Spezialistenscore höher sein.



Einsi kann halt mit jeder Klasse pauergehmen. Ein echter Profi.


Nana, den beidhändigen beschleunigten Angriff mit Spezialtschacko bekommt man doch nur als Spezialist :dunno:



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