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Test - Welcher Rollenspieltyp bist du?

Triton Schaumherz

Empfohlene Beiträge

  27.11.2006, 14:05 von Einskaldir schrieb:
  27.11.2006, 13:53 von Bloxmox schrieb:



Einsi, so ganz glaub ich Dir das nicht. Als echter Pauergämer müßte dein Spezialistenscore höher sein.





Wieso? Was hat das eine mit dem anderen zu tun? :confused:


Sieh lieber zu, dass du ansatzweise auf mein Powerniveau kommst. :D


Gut, meine nächste Figur wird ein Dunkelelfen-Kanthaitun. Und zwar ein NinJah. Extrem seltene Mischklasse aus Schattenweber und Kampfassassine. Mit beidhändiger schwerer Armbrust (8w6 Gift).



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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

You scored as Character Player.




The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesnt. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others hes played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.


Storyteller 90%


Character Player 90%


Tactician 45%


Power Gamer 35%


Weekend Warrior 30%


Casual Gamer 20%


Specialist 10%


Hm, ich hätte nach den Fragen eher auf mehr Powergamer und weniger auf Storyteller getippt. :dunno:

Zumindest sehe ich mich so. :lookaround:




Hmmmmmmm. Ich bin also:


Storyteller 80%

Character Player 70%

Tactician 65%

Weekend Warrior 55%

Specialist 55%

Power Gamer 50%

Casual Gamer 50%


DAs kann irgendwie nicht sein. Eigentlich müsste Power Gamer bei ca. 90% stehen. Ist diese Seite auch wirklich vertrauenswürdig... :dozingoff:




Hmmm, außer Einsi alles Weicheier. Hier meine Ergebnisse:


You scored as Weekend Warrior.


The Weekend Warrior is in the game to kick down doors and kill monsters. After a long day in the office or classroom, he wants his character to wade into the action—too much time spent on diplomacy, story arc, planning, or even character-building tends to bore him. He tends to prefer combat-ready, simple-to-create, simple-to-run characters, leaning toward fighter types or blaster magic-users. Optimizing the rules for an ideal character is secondary, so long as he gets to hit things. To the Weekend Warrior, the greatest reward in roleplaying is the exciting, action-packed battle. With apologies to Robin Laws.


Weekend Warrior 95%

Power Gamer 70%

Character Player 50%

Tactician 40%

Specialist 30%

Casual Gamer 25%

Storyteller 20%


Wobei ich durchaus den originalen Fachterminus "Buttkicker" von Robin Laws bevorzuge ...



Der alte Rosendorn

  25.11.2006, 17:53 von Rosendorn schrieb:
Ich finde mich übrigens i.d.R. zu 60% beim Klopper, zu 25% beim Schauspieler und zu 15% beim Powergamer wieder ... :D

So falsch lag ich doch gar nicht bei meiner Selbsteinschätzung. Nur Schauspieler und Powergamer etwas vertauscht ...


You scored as Character Player.


The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesnt. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others hes played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.


Character Player 75%


Storyteller 60%


Casual Gamer 60%


Tactician 45%


Weekend Warrior 35%


Power Gamer 35%


Specialist 15%





You scored as Storyteller.


The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.

Storyteller 95%

Character Play 85%

Tactician 55%

Casual Gamer 45%

Weekend Warrior 15%

Power Gamer 10%

Specialist 10%


315 % :disturbed:

Allerdings hätte ich meinen Powergamer-Anteil wesentlich höher eingeschätzt.




Gast Merwyn McMachin
The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesnt. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others hes played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.


Character Player



Casual Gamer






Weekend Warrior






Power Gamer








100% wie hab ich das denn gemacht!:o:


Na Einsi:cool: schaff das erstmal, 100% Powergamer zu werden!:D



Gruß, Merwyn!:turn:


You scored as Character Player.




The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesnt. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others hes played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.


Character Player






Casual Gamer



Power Gamer









Weekend Warrior


  27.11.2006, 09:00 von Fimolas schrieb:


Hier folgen meine Ergebnisse:


You scored as Character Player.

The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesnt. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others hes played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.


Character Player 95%

Storyteller 70%

Tactician 60%

Casual Gamer 50%

Power Gamer 25%

Specialist 20%

Weekend Warrior 20%

Dieses Ergebnis entsprach auch meiner Einschätzung, wobei ich den Umgang mit den Würfeln sicherlich mehr schätze als oben angegeben.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Fimolas!

Ein Taktiker ist durchaus jemand, der Würfel einsetzt. Nur halt kein stumpfer Haudrauf (= Weekend Warrior). ;)


Viele Grüße



The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.


Storyteller 80%

Character Player 75%

Tactician 65%

Weekend Warrior 50%

Specialist 50%

Power Gamer 30%

Casual Gamer 20%


...and that is exactly what I am! :clap:


You scored as Storyteller.


The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.


Storyteller 80%

Character Player 75%

Casual Gamer 65%

Tactician 55%

Weekend Warrior 30%

Power Gamer 25%

Specialist 5%


Wird schon irgendwie passen. :)




  27.11.2006, 11:55 von Einskaldir schrieb:


Und bevor jemand fragt: Nein, ich hab den Test so ausgefüllt, wie ich es tatsächlich sehe.


Powergamer 90 %

Weekend Warrior 70 %

Casual Gamer 50 %

Tactician 35 %

Charakter Player 35 %

Specialist 25 %

Storyteller 20 %



Oh mann, bin ich froh, dass es auch andere mit ähnlichen Werten gibt... :


Weekend Warrior 75%

Power Gamer 60%

Tactician 60%

Storyteller 50%

Specialist 45%

Character Player 40%

Casual Gamer 25%


Gruß, :axt:



You scored as Character Player.


The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesnt. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others hes played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.


Character Player






Casual Gamer






Weekend Warrior






Power Gamer



Erstaunlich. Nur 10% :cry:




  30.11.2006, 21:06 von HarryB schrieb:
  30.11.2006, 17:50 von Rosendorn schrieb:
Weicheier, alles Weicheier. Hey, die 70er sind vorbei! Ihr dürft wieder Männer sein!

Ich stehe zu meinem Ergebnis.


Viele Grüße




  30.11.2006, 21:06 von HarryB schrieb:
  30.11.2006, 17:50 von Rosendorn schrieb:
Weicheier, alles Weicheier. Hey, die 70er sind vorbei! Ihr dürft wieder Männer sein!

Ich stehe zu meinem Ergebnis.


Viele Grüße


Du, wollen wir darüber reden? Vielleicht einen Gesprächskreis aufmachen mit gaaaanz vielen anderen Betroffenen?

  01.12.2006, 17:23 von Rosendorn schrieb:
  30.11.2006, 21:06 von HarryB schrieb:

Ich stehe zu meinem Ergebnis.


Viele Grüße


Du, wollen wir darüber reden? Vielleicht einen Gesprächskreis aufmachen mit gaaaanz vielen anderen Betroffenen?

Da wäre ich dabei :thumbs:. Ich kann auch leckeren Fencheltee mitbringen :D und vllt. können wir auch ein wenig gemeinsam meditieren :D!


LG :turn:


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