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[Test] Soldatentest


Empfohlene Beiträge

Which soldier type are you?

You scored as a Combat Infantry/Armor

You're a combat infantry/armor soldier, a grunt, a dogface, a footslogger. While some say you're common, you're a really a disciplined person who realizes the importantce of working in a team, and in reality you and your comrades get most of the work done. In any situation or problem you can be found in think of the action. You are brave, motivated, self-less. We need more people like you. And I salute you. FORWARD!!!


Combat Infantry/Armor








Support Gunner








Special Ops















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Hm, Ich scheine ein in der Wolle gefärbter Militärschädel zu sein:


You scored as a Artillery/Aircraft

You are an artillery/armor soldier. Fighting really isn't your strongsuit, and instead you prefer to sit back and blow things up with your 80+ mile range. This isn't to say you don't have a strong sense of duty and honor. You just seem to be smarter about it than most others around you. You agree with Gen Patton's words: "The object of war isn't to die for you country, it's to make the other bastard die for his."


Artillery/Aircraft 88%

Engineer 81%

Combat Infantry/Armor 75%

Medic 69%

Special Ops 63%

Support Gunner 56%

Officer 38%

Civilian 25%


Scheint indssofern zu stimmen denn die Stellungskommission hat mich damals untrüglich zur Infanterie gesteckt. Und die haben nie recht.


Was gegen den Test spricht: die sind der Meinung das Special Ops Einzelgänger sein müssen, Hollywood seis gedankt.


Und weil ich schon dabei war:


Are you a cat or a dog?


You scored as a dog

you are a dog.You are a bit lazy but very playful at times.Roof,Roof!!!lol!!


dog 83%

cat 42%


Wuff! Hoooowl !!

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Which soldier type are you?

You scored as a Support Gunner

You're a support gunner. You carry a big gun, and people generally call on you when in trouble. You're a strong person physically and emotionaly. You can take being on the front lines of any problem clearing paths for your buddies. You generally lead the way with your strong personality, hitting the problem with all the tact and finesse of a Chain-Saw Murderer. CLICK, Cha-chink... DAKKA-DAKKA-DAKKA!!!


Support Gunner 81%

Special Ops 75%

Artillery/Aircraft 69%

Civilian 63%

Officer 56%

Medic 44%

Engineer 44%

Combat Infantry/Armor 44%

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Which soldier type are you?

You scored as a Combat Infantry/Armor

You're a combat infantry/armor soldier, a grunt, a dogface, a footslogger. While some say you're common, you're a really a disciplined person who realizes the importantce of working in a team, and in reality you and your comrades get most of the work done. In any situation or problem you can be found in think of the action. You are brave, motivated, self-less. We need more people like you. And I salute you. FORWARD!!!






Combat Infantry/Armor












Support Gunner








Special Ops








Ich bin überrascgt, schliesslich war Ich REMF

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You scored as an Officer

Officer, you're the brass. The leader of the bunch. You have leadership qualities, or you have a really big ego. Most likely both. You know how to get things done, and don't care who you have to kill to get them done. Your a person with a mission and to stand in your way means pain. You have gumption and intelligence to back it up. Hold the line!!! AND SOMEONE GET ME A STARBUCKS!!!


Officer 94%

Artillery/Aircraft 88%

Special Ops 81%

Support Gunner 75%

Combat Infantry/Armor 50%

Medic 50%

Engineer 38%

Civilian 25%


Dabei bin ich doch so klein, lieb und schüchtern EMOSHYtapfootBlushy.gif



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You scored as a Artillery/Aircraft




You are an artillery/armor soldier. Fighting really isn't your strongsuit, and instead you prefer to sit back and blow things up with your 80+ mile range. This isn't to say you don't have a strong sense of duty and honor. You just seem to be smarter about it than most others around you. You agree with Gen Patton's words: "The object of war isn't to die for you country, it's to make the other bastard die for his."




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You scored as a Civilian


You're a civilian, not a soldier, period. You don't enjoy fighting. And more or less think all the people who do are retrads who need to use thier brains more than thier brawn. Beware the day will come when even peace lovers and budhist monks will pick up shotguns in defence. PEACE OUT!!!


Civilian 88%


Artillery/Aircraft 75%


Engineer 63%


Special Ops 63%


Support Gunner 56%


Combat Infantry/Armor 50%


Medic 50%


Officer 31%



Da ist was wares dran. Die Meinung, die der Test attestiert sehe ich aber auch auf den Macher dieses Tests angesehen. Selbst den Friedfertigsten anzudrohen: Wenn du nicht zur Armee willst dann kommen wir Bewaffneten eben irgendwann zu dir - ist scheisse. Auch wenn es der Realität da draussen entsprechen mag.

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