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Welche Mittelerde-Figur bist Du?

Ma Kai

Empfohlene Beiträge

You got: Hobbit



You enjoy simple pleasures— good friends, food, and music— in a relatively quiet life. You don’t seek out adventure, but you don’t shy away from it, either, and you’re happy as long as your eating schedule isn’t disrupted.


Sicherheitshalber das Bild gelöscht


jap hauptsache das essen stimmt

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You got: Hobbit


You enjoy simple pleasures— good friends, food, and music— in a relatively quiet life. You don’t seek out adventure, but you don’t shy away from it, either, and you’re happy as long as your eating schedule isn’t disrupted.


Kann ich mich sehr gut reinfinden. Ich habe den Test jetzt sozusagen zwischen zwei Mahlzeiten gemacht. :lookaround:

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You got: Ent

You are very chill. The absolute chillest. You’re contemplative, level-headed, and you’d rather not keep up with the fast pace of the modern world. You value your alone time, and it’s not that you’re antisocial per se, it’s just that you prefer the company of trees over people.


Angeklickt habe ich unter anderem:


"Partying on your yacht"


Ich kann mir das bei einem Ent nicht vorstellen,...

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You got: Hobbit

You enjoy simple pleasures— good friends, food, and music— in a relatively quiet life. You don’t seek out adventure, but you don’t shy away from it, either, and you’re happy as long as your eating schedule isn’t disrupted.


Hmm, ich bin vom Mensch zum Hobbit geworden, immerhin.

Bearbeitet von Widukind
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