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Wie stirbst du in "Game of Thrones"?


Empfohlene Beiträge

You got: You’d be decapitated!

You’re well-intentioned and loyal to a fault. All you really want is to see justice in the world, but you find that others don’t quite understand you. You work very hard, but unfortunately your efforts never seem to get the attention they deserve. Sadly, this means you’d be killed by a backwards system of justice.


Ich fühle mich doch so schon immer so kopflos :panic:


You got: You’d die by dragon fire!


You’re a true Machiavellian — cunning, manipulative, and power-hungry. Friends would say you’re the most outgoing of the group, and you consider yourself the leader. Unluckily for you, most people despise your manipulative nature. And doubly unluckily for you, a dragon will burn you to a crisp.

You got: You’d be decapitated!

You’re well-intentioned and loyal to a fault. All you really want is to see justice in the world, but you find that others don’t quite understand you. You work very hard, but unfortunately your efforts never seem to get the attention they deserve. Sadly, this means you’d be killed by a backwards system of justice.


Ich fühle mich doch so schon immer so kopflos :panic:


Da sind wir schon zwei

You got: You’d be decapitated!

You’re well-intentioned and loyal to a fault. All you really want is to see justice in the world, but you find that others don’t quite understand you. You work very hard, but unfortunately your efforts never seem to get the attention they deserve. Sadly, this means you’d be killed by a backwards system of justice.


Ich fühle mich doch so schon immer so kopflos :panic:




Da sind wir schon zwei


Drei! :disturbed:

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Kopf kürzer.


Zweiter Durchgang mit Zweitwahl: Seele gefressen.


Keine Ahnung, was das bedeutet... Game of Thrones ist an mir vorbei gegangen.

Bearbeitet von Ma Kai
Kopf kürzer.


Zweiter Durchgang mit Zweitwahl: Seele gefressen.


Keine Ahnung, was das bedeutet... Game of Thrones ist an mir vorbei gegangen.

:dunno: an mir auch...


Alternativ sterbe ich im :duell:

You got: You’d be decapitated!

You’re well-intentioned and loyal to a fault. All you really want is to see justice in the world, but you find that others don’t quite understand you. You work very hard, but unfortunately your efforts never seem to get the attention they deserve. Sadly, this means you’d be killed by a backwards system of justice.


Ich fühle mich doch so schon immer so kopflos :panic:


Me too.


Im Schwertkampf. Aber irgendwie fand ich dieses "Quiz" weder witzig noch erhellend.

You got: You’d be decapitated!

You’re well-intentioned and loyal to a fault. All you really want is to see justice in the world, but you find that others don’t quite understand you. You work very hard, but unfortunately your efforts never seem to get the attention they deserve. Sadly, this means you’d be killed by a backwards system of justice.


Ich fühle mich doch so schon immer so kopflos :panic:


same here


How Would You Die In “Game Of Thrones?”


You’d die in a sword fight!


You can be foolishly headstrong and stubborn in your ways. What seems like self-confidence is often a disguise for insecurity, and you find that you act in ways around people that don’t reflect your true self. You’ll give a noble effort, but will die by someone else’s sword.

Ich komme in das Quiz gar nicht rein. Gilt das auch?


Einfach nach unten scrollen ;)

:dunno: Bei den Kommentaren oder was?


Nein, das ist zu weit. Es beginnt mit "Pick your spirit animal"

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