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Robert Palmer ist tot


Empfohlene Beiträge


Er starb heute in Paris an den Folgen eines Herzinfarkts.


Eines der Lieder von Robert Palmer an die ich mich seit meiner Kindheit gut erinnern kann:


Simply irresistible


How can it be permissible

She compromised my principle, yeah yeah

That kind of love is mythical

She's anything but typical


She's a craze you'd endorse, she's a powerful force

You're obliged to conform when there's no other course

She used to look good to me, but now I find her


Simply irresistible

Simply irresistible


Her loving is so powerful, huh

It's simply unavoidable

The trend is irreversible

The woman is invincible


She's a natural law, and she leaves me in awe

She deserves the applause, I surrender because

She used to look good to me, but now I find her


Simply irresistible

Simply irresistible


(Simply irresistible) She's so fine, there's no tellin' where the money went

(Simply irresistible) She's all mine, there's no other way to go


She's unavoidable, I'm backed against the wall

She gives me feelings like I never felt before

I'm breaking promises, she's breaking every law

She used to look good to me, but now I find her


Simply irresistible

She's so fine, there's no tellin' where the money went

(Simply irresistible) She's all mine, there's no other way to go


Her methods are inscrutable

The proof is irrefutable, Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh

She's so completely kissable, huh

Our lives are indivisible


She's a craze you'd endorse, she's a powerful force

You're obliged to conform when there's no other course

She used to look good to me, but now I find her


Simply irresistible

Simply irresistible


She's so fine, there's no tellin' where the money went

(Simply irresistible) She's all mine, there's no other way to go

She's so fine, there's no tellin' where the money went

(Simply irresistible) She's all mine, there's no other way to go


Simply irresistible






Lemeriel in Trauer

Zitat[/b] (hjmaier @ 26 Sep. 2003,15:59)]
Zitat[/b] (Eike @ 26 Sep. 2003,15:04)]Habe ich gerade im Radio gehört  sad.gif



Ui, woran gestorben?


Viele Grüße


Steht in der Überschrift


Oha, dachte ich als ich die Überschrift las - denn so alt war er ja noch nicht.


Ich erinnere mich an das Video zu "Addicted for Love" - Er zwischen all den toughen gestylten Mädels, gut gemacht, cool und ironisch.

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