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Artikel: Lied der Zwerge über den ersten Riesenkrieg: From Golden Halls to Frozen Thrones

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Der erste Riesenkrieg ist in "Meister von Feuer und Stein" dermaßen episch beschrieben, dass ich daraus einfach ein Lied machen (lassen) musste. Vielleicht gefällt es ja jemand? Habe hier bald ein ganzes Album voll über Zwerge & Thursen 😉

Edit: ich habe mir dabei offensichtlich von KI helfen lassen, habe leider keine zwergische Metal-Band am Start 🙂 Und warum der Artikel neben "Sonstiges" zusätzlich unter "Neue Schauplatzbeschreibungen" gelandet ist, ist mir ein Rätsel.

From Golden Halls to Frozen Thrones

Oh, we carved the stone, we shaped the gold,
Our halls stood proud, our mountains bold.
But heed the call of the drums of war,
The giants came—now peace no more.

We went too deep, in Thurisheim’s cold,
For iron and fire, the rarest of gold.
But we shattered the veil with our hammers' blow,
And stirred the beasts that dwell below.
They stole our king, and darkness spread,
The Thursen rose—the skies turned red.
But we stand tall, with axes high,
The fire of dwarves will never die!

(Refrain) Raise your hammers, let the anvils sing,
From the frozen north, let our fury ring!
For the blood of our kin, for halls once grand,
We’ll take back our realm, reclaim our land!
With steel and stone, we’ll forge our fate,
And break their thrones in endless hate!

Sigi Goldshield, bright and bold,
Cut down the Thursen, their spirits cold.
King Fundin rose, broke his chains,
The Thursen faltered in icy plains.
From Gibtuztum’s halls, the banners flew,
And dwarfkind’s wrath, the giants knew.

(Refrain) Raise your hammers, let the anvils sing,
From the frozen north, let our fury ring!
For the blood of our kin, for halls once grand,
We’ll take back our realm, reclaim our land!
With steel and stone, we’ll forge our fate,
And break their thrones in endless hate!

At Meleggazt’s peak, the queen stood high,
Her blade cast down, but she reached the sky.
With eagle’s claw and thunder’s roar,
She crushed the Thursen—forevermore.

(Refrain) Raise your hammers, let the anvils sing,
From the frozen north, let our fury ring!
For the blood of our kin, for halls once grand,
We’ll take back our realm, reclaim our land!
With steel and stone, we’ll forge our fate,
And break their thrones in endless hate!

From golden halls to frozen thrones,
The dwarves of old defend their homes.
Though ice melts and giants fade,
The fire of dwarves will never shade.

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Bearbeitet von Malte
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