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The Which D & D Class am I Test


Das kam bei mir heraus, wie passend:






You scored 45 Holy, 33 Tactful, 50 Natural, and 65 Arcane!

If you ever take the time to explore your potential you will have one of the greatest magical reservoirs at your fingertips. You interact with the world using your keen intuition, though often you find yourself to be unable to adapt to situations that you haven't handled before. You can be reckless, and I would translate this into real world advice with the caution not to play with fire... ever. Of course, given that you're in a world where monsters are coming for ya, go for it... just not near me. Oh, and I don't care how good you are at it, don't ever summon anything... you'll probably muck it up and end up unleasing a daemon or something... and no, you probably can't take one.



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You scored 30 Holy, 66 Tactful, 65 Natural, and 30 Arcane! You are the master of tact and guile. So much so that you rely upon little else to get you through this world. What good is a sword if you can't find your target? What good is a spell when your spell book is missing? These are questions the unfortunate ones that arouse your ire end up pondering moments before you do something horrific and irreparable to them. You are probably the best planner/schemer in your group, but unfortunately, nobody has listened to you since that time your plan involved not telling the barbarian about the pit-trap so that the villain would think his plan had worked and come out of hiding (even though Rothgar or whatever his name is was fine after a week's rest and the villain DID come out of hiding... geez). People get a rubbed the wrong way when you start (inevitably) thinking of them as pieces on a chess board.




My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:


You scored higher than
You scored higher than
You scored higher than
You scored higher than

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You scored 37 Holy, 52 Tactful, 52 Natural, and 60 Arcane!

Your eye flutters for a second and the world loses focus... when clarity returns you realize that the only person in the room who wasn't knocked unconscious is holding his temples and writhing on the ground. Nobody knows what you just did, even you, but you know it happened because you made it happen. You have taught reality that your desires are more important than it's fickle laws (or you can, rather). You are one of the rare psionicists, the masters of mind over matter. Your approach to problems is a rare blend of intuition, force of personality, and careful planning. You're all right in a fight, but can really hold your own only once you've stacked the laws of this universe on your side. Thankfully, with practice, you can do this with ease. Hmm, my guess is that you're a bit lacking ethically speaking however... just a guess though, creep.




My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:



You scored higher than 38% on Godliness

You scored higher than 50% on Tact

You scored higher than 30% on Harmony

You scored higher than 80% on Arcane

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You scored 90 Holy, 71 Tactful, 72 Natural, and 45 Arcane!

Awkward at low levels, an unstoppable juggernaught at high levels, you are the monk. I think an honest attempt was made to make the kind of monks you always see in those awesome movies from China, but really, they came up with something pretty weird here. You are so in tune with the natural harmonies of this world that you can destroy *anything*... sure, you can hit for subdual damage, but where's the fun in that? At the end of the battle the fighter wipes his sword clean of blood and resheaths it feeling pretty hard-core... until he looks over at you and sees you standing in a pile of maimed and unconscious bodies, completely unarmed, and entriely placid-faced... Fighter: "Well fought, Brother Learned Fist! Ha ha!" *said ill-at-ease* Monk: "There, in the trees... a baby morning dove just took it's first flight while I was disembowleing this ogre with my quivering-toenail... so beautiful... or did you not notice?" Your main function in the party is to keep things a little awkward for everyone else.


You scored higher than 96% on Godliness

You scored higher than 92% on Tact

You scored higher than 62% on Harmony

You scored higher than 50% on Arcane



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Wer mich kennt, weiß, dass dieser Test recht hat. :notify:




You scored 30 Holy, 57 Tactful, 90 Natural, and 40 Arcane!

Hmm, you've got the skills, nobody can deny that. You're a hard nut to crack in a fight, you can hound an enemy like no other, you have a connection to the wilderness that borders on supernatural, and the animals back home love you. Don't be fooled by LOTR though, you are not a natural leader. In fact, you're probably a bit of a recluse, and you are reasonably rash. You gave up understanding why humans treat each other so needlessly bad a long time ago, and have just decided to do what you can for the defenseless of us by savaging the people that harm what you love. If everyone were like you this world would be a great place... but since it's not, better get back to hunting evildoers... with uncanny intensity.


Gruß von Adjana

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You scored 10 Holy, 40 Tactful, 67 Natural, and 25 Arcane!

Hmm, you've got the skills, nobody can deny that. You're a hard nut to crack in a fight, you can hound an enemy like no other, you have a connection to the wilderness that borders on supernatural, and the animals back home love you. Don't be fooled by LOTR though, you are not a natural leader. In fact, you're probably a bit of a recluse, and you are reasonably rash. You gave up understanding why humans treat each other so needlessly bad a long time ago, and have just decided to do what you can for the defenseless of us by savaging the people that harm what you love. If everyone were like you this world would be a great place... but since it's not, better get back to hunting evildoers... with uncanny intensity.

Naja. :dozingoff:

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Bei mir scheint es sich wohl um einen Paladin zu handeln.



You scored 62 Holy, 40 Tactful, 60 Natural, and 50 Arcane!

Hahah... I once heard you described as a paragon of chivalry and virtue, but just because you fight (hard) for a God doesn't mean you're virtuous in society's eyes. Especially because in this world as you could just as easily be an anti-paladin, so don't let it get to your head. That warning aside, you are pretty awesome... you are a knight in the Templar style. You are almost always found riding around on a glistening (or nightmarish, your choice) horse, with impeccibly shined armor sparkling in the ray of sunshine that God makes sure never leaves your side, with your sword making neatly coreographed swishing motions, and caught amongst a cloud of blood and bits of non-believers that splatters everything 10 yards around you save your armor and your achingly-white-toothed fanatic smile. Is there any creature of God more dangerous than the single-minded paladin riding around, smiting everything it sees?.... Thank God (most of) you are on our side. No, literally.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Fimolas!
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You scored 20 Holy, 19 Tactful, 60 Natural, and 25 Arcane!


You sir or ma'am, are a terror to behold. Ruthless and guileless, unprincipled and unrestrained, you feel that obstacles are best reduced to rubble regardless of whether the obstacle be a door, a law, or a person. Little patience, and even less foresight, you are a formidible enemy, but you can easily be outmanuevered. You're great if you have people that can direct your energies, but I wouldn't suggest going it alone even if you CAN singlehandedly take on the entire enemy force. Find a rogue or a wizard that you can trust (good luck with that) to make sure that you *should* first.




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You scored 20 Holy, 19 Tactful, 60 Natural, and 25 Arcane!


You sir or ma'am, are a terror to behold. Ruthless and guileless, unprincipled and unrestrained, you feel that obstacles are best reduced to rubble regardless of whether the obstacle be a door, a law, or a person. Little patience, and even less foresight, you are a formidible enemy, but you can easily be outmanuevered. You're great if you have people that can direct your energies, but I wouldn't suggest going it alone even if you CAN singlehandedly take on the entire enemy force. Find a rogue or a wizard that you can trust (good luck with that) to make sure that you *should* first.





Ich auch....



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Mann, ich bin nur Standartkost.


You scored 37 Holy, 47 Tactful, 60 Natural, and 45 Arcane!

Hard core. I originally thought that this would be the most common outcome, but it's looking like it might be the least. You are probably fairly realistic about the world, or perhaps even a bit jaded. You know what you gotta do to get by, and you do it. You are constantly hedging your bets... fighting when there's a lot on the line, retreating when the battle turns too ugly or loses it's meaning. You would be a great leader of men/women if only you took a broader focus on what constitutes a problem. You're the first to take arms against oppression, but the last to start a crusade for a cause that isn't of great immediate importance. As a result your battles are intelligently and bravely fought, but often a fair bit after they could have been dealt with easily. You should go round up a group of oppressed peasants and kick some booty.

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You scored 80 Holy, 59 Tactful, 42 Natural, and 45 Arcane!

Hahah... I once heard you described as a paragon of chivalry and virtue, but just because you fight (hard) for a God doesn't mean you're virtuous in society's eyes. Especially because in this world as you could just as easily be an anti-paladin, so don't let it get to your head. That warning aside, you are pretty awesome... you are a knight in the Templar style. You are almost always found riding around on a glistening (or nightmarish, your choice) horse, with impeccibly shined armor sparkling in the ray of sunshine that God makes sure never leaves your side, with your sword making neatly coreographed swishing motions, and caught amongst a cloud of blood and bits of non-believers that splatters everything 10 yards around you save your armor and your achingly-white-toothed fanatic smile. Is there any creature of God more dangerous than the single-minded paladin riding around, smiting everything it sees?.... Thank God (most of) you are on our side. No, literally.





My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:


You scored higher than 91% on Godliness


You scored higher than 77% on Tact


You scored higher than 10% on Harmony


You scored higher than 55% on Arcane

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You scored 20 Holy, 47 Tactful, 75 Natural, and 80 Arcane!

Your eye flutters for a second and the world loses focus... when clarity returns you realize that the only person in the room who wasn't knocked unconscious is holding his temples and writhing on the ground. Nobody knows what you just did, even you, but you know it happened because you made it happen. You have taught reality that your desires are more important than it's fickle laws (or you can, rather). You are one of the rare psionicists, the masters of mind over matter. Your approach to problems is a rare blend of intuition, force of personality, and careful planning. You're all right in a fight, but can really hold your own only once you've stacked the laws of this universe on your side. Thankfully, with practice, you can do this with ease. Hmm, my guess is that you're a bit lacking ethically speaking however... just a guess though, creep.

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You scored 20 Holy, 23 Tactful, 97 Natural, and 50 Arcane!

Hmm, you've got the skills, nobody can deny that. You're a hard nut to crack in a fight, you can hound an enemy like no other, you have a connection to the wilderness that borders on supernatural, and the animals back home love you. Don't be fooled by LOTR though, you are not a natural leader. In fact, you're probably a bit of a recluse, and you are reasonably rash. You gave up understanding why humans treat each other so needlessly bad a long time ago, and have just decided to do what you can for the defenseless of us by savaging the people that harm what you love. If everyone were like you this world would be a great place... but since it's not, better get back to hunting evildoers... with uncanny intensity.

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You scored 40 Holy, 30 Tactful, 62 Natural, and 20 Arcane!


You sir or ma'am, are a terror to behold. Ruthless and guileless, unprincipled and unrestrained, you feel that obstacles are best reduced to rubble regardless of whether the obstacle be a door, a law, or a person. Little patience, and even less foresight, you are a formidible enemy, but you can easily be outmanuevered. You're great if you have people that can direct your energies, but I wouldn't suggest going it alone even if you CAN singlehandedly take on the entire enemy force. Find a rogue or a wizard that you can trust (good luck with that) to make sure that you *should* first.

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