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Ein haben wir noch: Welcher D&D-Typ bist Du?


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You scored 65 Holy, 54 Tactful, 80 Natural, and 65 Arcane! You are in-tune with the natural world, and, regrettably, only the natural world. The interests of human society are not your concern. You probably form closer bonds with animals than you do humans. This class makes a career out of being at one with nature. You'd make a great eco-terrorist... if only magic really did exist that is. Thankfully, nature likes you as much as you do it, and so you get to do some pretty cool stuff in it's name. Ultimately you'll be able to turn into various animals and roam around eating elk and whatnot. I think that picture is doing a better job of describing you than I ever could... real world advice??? Umm, if you go to stonehenge then remember that it's illegal to cross the ropes... oh and get out a little bit. I know she's called Mother nature, but this isn't the kind of Mom you want to settle down with if you're a dude... she might eat you. mt1109115207.jpg

Bin aber nicht ganz zufrieden - kann sein, dass ich teilweise etwas unzutreffendes angeklickt habe, weil ich das Englisch nicht ganz verstanden habe.

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You scored 70 Holy, 14 Tactful, 60 Natural, and 15 Arcane!

Hahah... I once heard you described as a paragon of chivalry and virtue, but just because you fight (hard) for a God doesn't mean you're virtuous in society's eyes. Especially because in this world as you could just as easily be an anti-paladin, so don't let it get to your head. That warning aside, you are pretty awesome... you are a knight in the Templar style. You are almost always found riding around on a glistening (or nightmarish, your choice) horse, with impeccibly shined armor sparkling in the ray of sunshine that God makes sure never leaves your side, with your sword making neatly coreographed swishing motions, and caught amongst a cloud of blood and bits of non-believers that splatters everything 10 yards around you save your armor and your achingly-white-toothed fanatic smile. Is there any creature of God more dangerous than the single-minded paladin riding around, smiting everything it sees?.... Thank God (most of) you are on our side. No, literally.





My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:


You scored higher than 86% on Godliness


You scored higher than 1% on Tact


You scored higher than 39% on Harmony


You scored higher than 2% on Arcane





hmm, wieso kommt bei mir nur immer das selbe raus... :dunno:

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  • 3 Monate später...


You scored 30 Holy, 54 Tactful, 53 Natural, and 65 Arcane! Your eye flutters for a second and the world loses focus... when clarity returns you realize that the only person in the room who wasn't knocked unconscious is holding his temples and writhing on the ground. Nobody knows what you just did, even you, but you know it happened because you made it happen. You have taught reality that your desires are more important than it's fickle laws (or you can, rather). You are one of the rare psionicists, the masters of mind over matter. Your approach to problems is a rare blend of intuition, force of personality, and careful planning. You're all right in a fight, but can really hold your own only once you've stacked the laws of this universe on your side. Thankfully, with practice, you can do this with ease. Hmm, my guess is that you're a bit lacking ethically speaking however... just a guess though, creep. mt1109097336.jpg



My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:


You scored higher than
You scored higher than
You scored higher than
You scored higher than



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You scored 80 Holy, 66 Tactful, 47 Natural, and 60 Arcane!

Salvato himnu equis domini... my apologies to those of you who speak Latin, as I'm sure that means nothing... which is probably for the best because only a small fraction of D and D Gods actually have much to do with the Christian God, and so it could just have easily been "Dorroh muestra gah gah tormah" or whatever blows your hair back... the important thing is this... you are a man of your God. So much so that you are actually able to call upon favors directly from Him/Her/It... such as heavenly smites and whatnot. Moreover, you and your God are so tight that He/She/It doesn't even check to make sure you're putting them to good use before the favor is granted... well, for awhile at least. Some of your powers are pretty slick, I guess. Since priests are generally boiling over with suppressed violence and whatnot, and since your God-given powers never seem to measure up to the little tech-demos you see those arrogant mages doing all the time, you spend just enough time weilding a mace or other such weapon to ensure that you can kick one of those mages' butts if you ever find one alone in an alleyway. You are most likely found trading in your hard earned boons for a couple more hitpoints for the ranger to squander hunting his current pet peeve.

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Sollte ich tatsächlich der einzige Magier hier sein ? :confused:



You scored 40 Holy, 66 Tactful, 72 Natural, and 60 Arcane!

Extremely tactful, extremely patient, kindof a bore, you are the wizard. Just because the picture looks like Gandalf don't be getting any ideas... there's no way you'd be drawing a sword in battle except perhaps to hand it to a fighter. You know everything about everything though, and you are a brilliant tactician. You are versitile and capable, though you aren't altogether that powerful or specialized (unless you are a specialist, but nevermind that). You may lack the force of character to ever dominate any situation, but you have the stamina of mind and character to achieve truly great things with magic. You are among the best choices of leaders, though you are often a bit uninspiring to those that don't know you well, and so you rarely end up as one. Oh, and you can be as indecisive as you are not-rash.

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Noch so ein Spiel ... ;)



You scored 75 Holy, 47 Tactful, 87 Natural, and 25 Arcane!

Awkward at low levels, an unstoppable juggernaught at high levels, you are the monk. I think an honest attempt was made to make the kind of monks you always see in those awesome movies from China, but really, they came up with something pretty weird here. You are so in tune with the natural harmonies of this world that you can destroy *anything*... sure, you can hit for subdual damage, but where's the fun in that? At the end of the battle the fighter wipes his sword clean of blood and resheaths it feeling pretty hard-core... until he looks over at you and sees you standing in a pile of maimed and unconscious bodies, completely unarmed, and entriely placid-faced... Fighter: "Well fought, Brother Learned Fist! Ha ha!" *said ill-at-ease* Monk: "There, in the trees... a baby morning dove just took it's first flight while I was disembowleing this ogre with my quivering-toenail... so beautiful... or did you not notice?" Your main function in the party is to keep things a little awkward for everyone else.


/Randver MacBeorn.

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Sollte ich tatsächlich der einzige Magier hier sein ? :confused:


Ähmm.. nööö..



You scored 42 Holy, 71 Tactful, 100 Natural, and 60 Arcane!

Extremely tactful, extremely patient, kindof a bore, you are the wizard. Just because the picture looks like Gandalf don't be getting any ideas... there's no way you'd be drawing a sword in battle except perhaps to hand it to a fighter. You know everything about everything though, and you are a brilliant tactician. You are versitile and capable, though you aren't altogether that powerful or specialized (unless you are a specialist, but nevermind that). You may lack the force of character to ever dominate any situation, but you have the stamina of mind and character to achieve truly great things with magic. You are among the best choices of leaders, though you are often a bit uninspiring to those that don't know you well, and so you rarely end up as one. Oh, and you can be as indecisive as you are not-rash.



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You scored 30 Holy, 61 Tactful, 67 Natural, and 20 Arcane!

Hmm, you've got the skills, nobody can deny that. You're a hard nut to crack in a fight, you can hound an enemy like no other, you have a connection to the wilderness that borders on supernatural, and the animals back home love you. Don't be fooled by LOTR though, you are not a natural leader. In fact, you're probably a bit of a recluse, and you are reasonably rash. You gave up understanding why humans treat each other so needlessly bad a long time ago, and have just decided to do what you can for the defenseless of us by savaging the people that harm what you love. If everyone were like you this world would be a great place... but since it's not, better get back to hunting evildoers... with uncanny intensity.



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